The Outsiders


Music Industry Math

The music business, especially from a songwriting perspective,  just make much cents anymore, and yes, I spelled that correctly. What once was a viable career choice for those that honed their craft and wanted to come to Nashville to tell stories for a living, has not turned into a game of cents.

Having been in the music industry as a songwriter for over 20 years, I have witnessed the steady and steep decline first hand. It’s honestly been like watching a career path completely disappear right before my own eyes, it’s sad, but also inevitable under the current circumstance of the modern music business.

In today’s episode of The Steve Freeman Podcast, I walk you through the math of the current music industry from a songwriter’s perspective and explain why this path is no longer capable of providing a living for 99.9% of those that wich to do it for a living. In this episode, I go over Spotify royalties, Radio airplay, Publishing deals, YouTube, Mechanical Royalties and more.

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Babe Ruth Syndrome

When we really stop to think about our expectations for our lives and our businesses, we step up to the plate and expect to hit a home run every time, and when we don’t we get frustrated, upset and even depressed. But, not even Babe Ruth hit a home run every time he stepped up to the plate.

If you really want to succeed, you should approach your life and business with a “Base Hit” mentality. Just get on base!

In today’s episode of The Steve Freeman Podcast, I talk about Babe Ruth syndrome and the concept of backing off of your expectations and thinking about just getting on base. Check it out now everywhere you get your podcasts or listen at the player above!

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